My body is a temple, but it’s time to strengthen the foundations.
How many times have we heard that our bodies are temples, and we should treat them so?
Well, if my body is a temple, unfortunately I have to inform you that the foundations are cracking. My body has been more of a work in progress for my entire life.
With the number of diets I’ve been on in my lifetime, my body has seen many changes. It’s like doing extensions to your home. We do a home extension to make life more comfortable or add value. Putting on weight, not so much.
The difference between our homes and bodies is the foundations. Adding a room requires extra foundations (ground-floor build). Adding weight gets piled onto what is already there. Skeletons can only take so much stress.
Don’t forget one small thing. When you have gained the weight, your body will crave more calories to run a larger version of yourself. And that means eating more.
My body is a ruin.
With everything I have put this body through in my lifetime, I can honestly say it is closer to a ruin than a temple. Even though I am obese, a yearly medical test has shown everything that needs to work is working at an optimal rate. My heart, sugar levels, cholesterol, etc. all fall within the healthy spectrum.
I am working on getting the foundations patched up again, but this will take some time. Patience is important, but at 50 years old, I’d like things to happen faster than I know they will.
I have always had a problem with water retention, but over the past few weeks things seem to have gotten worse.
In the past year I have lost 12kg, but at the moment my weight is staying the same. I have lost a few inches, but no weight. A few days of intermittent fasting has done nothing to change this either. Let’s give it a week and see.
Maybe my body is trying to tell me something…
Something like it is not a very good idea to be on a diet. Therefore, I am changing my mindset more than focussing on a diet.
Don’t worry, the diet is something I will stick to until I reach my goal weight of 95kg. I am sitting at 120,8kg as I write this. I can’t think myself thin.
I am sure that all of this delay in weight loss has to do with the “diet” I am on.
As long as there is no pain, then it cannot be all bad.
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